How do I use the Match it widget?

Widgets are the tools with which course administrators build the pages of their course.

The Match it widget can be used to ask learners to match answers.

In order to access the Match it widget:

  1. Go to the page in your course where you'd like to add this widget.
  2. Select Edit mode.
  3. In the lefthand widget menu, choose Quiz, and then click on the Match it widget icon. (or you can hold and drag it wherever you'd like on the page)   


After adding the Match it widget to your page, you can set it up by following the instructions below:

  1. Click on the Setup tab at the top of the  widget.
  2. Edit the widget settings:


Question: You can type in the question here. Note: If you need to include images or formatted text in your question, you can leave this blank. Instead, add a Text widget above the Match it widget and post the question there.

Answers: You can type in the answers and match them correctly by clicking on the circle on the left side and dragging it to the match on the right.

You can also add images instead of text.

Add answers to add more answers.

Options for checking answers:

Show message to reveal correct/incorrect answers: Check the box to reveal answers. Uncheck the box to disable feedback.

Message displayed when correct: You can change the default "Correct!"

Message displayed when incorrect: You can change the default "Incorrect! Try again."


Please note this type of activity might be tricky to complete on mobile devices. If most of your students use them to do courses, you might want to re-design your activity and use a different widget.

Completing activities on a page is how Learners make progress and receive their certificates or complete the course.

As the administrator, you can modify how each widget tracks this progress.

To do this, click on the Completion Settings tab on the widget and choose one of the following options:

No completion tracking: This widget will not affect the learner's progress.
Completed when answers match: This widget will count as completed as soon as the learner submits correct answers/combination.


You can just click on the end point and drag it out to change the selection, like this:



Pro tip: By default, this widget allows the learner to re-do the task as many times as they need to get the right answers. If you would like to limit the number of attempts (for example, for an exam), you will need to use this widget in the combination with the Submit button widget. In that case, you will need to choose "No completion tracking" for the Match it widget.



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